The Kitchen Garden Radio Show, 9th November 2018

Kitchen Garden 9th November 2018

On the show this week, Mags’ pigs head off to a small abattoir and butcher in Wexford which prompts a chat about Butcher’s Shops and local businesses.

Mags tells us about War Biscuits and the industry that grew up in Ireland during World War 1. Do you know how USA biscuits got their name?

In the Kitchen we chat about Brussels Sprouts.

In Food News we look at the Bord Bia report on the Food Service Industry.

At Food on the Edge this year, I spoke to a Food Hero of mine, Diana Henry about British Food, her books and all things except Brexit (starts at 28:36).

In Nature Notes we hear about Fieldfare and RedWings.

In the Garden, it’s time to make Leafmold, take hardwood cuttings, move any herbaceous plants that you need to and plant the last of Spring Bulbs.

The show finishes up with Steven Seagull’s version of November Rain – a very appropriate song for this time of the year.

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